× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I've just started testing v9.0.1 and have come across a couple of wierd

First: If I start v9 with a workspace that I created in 8.5.1 (or maybe
even 8.0.3), the workspace is missing a lot of views. This could be
related to the fact that I use a self-named customized perspective, but
it's strange none the less. This is not critical though, as I can easily
create a new workspace.

But the second bug is much more critical:
I create a fresh workspace, and added a connection to my system.
In that connection I created a simple command to change the library list
and current library.
The command looks like this:
I've checked "Prompt when run" and indicated that the job should run as a
normal job (as opposed to Batch or Interactive).

But when I run the command, the "Remote Systems" view goes totally blank.
No connections of any kind is displayed, not even "New connection".
Right-clicking does absolutely nothing. The only solution is to close the
view and open it again. But when I check the library list and current
library now, they have not changed...

Can anyone else reproduce this error? For testing purposes you could just
change the command above with "CHGCURLIB LIB(QGPL)", I get the same blank
window when running that command.

I should mention that if I run the pre-defined command "Change current
library" or "Add library to library list", they work just fine, it's
running my own commands that's causing problems.

Kind regards,
Arild Skaar

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