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I have to admit, I like the color scheme too.

I think it has to do something with op-codes that mark blocks of callable/sectioned code vs. op-codes that control flow. So, while "monitor" controls the program and tells it to watch for an error, "on-error" marks a block of code that will run conditionally. Subroutines are the same thing. It marks a block of code that are only ran conditionally (in other words, when called). In both cases the op-codes themselves really do not "control" logic but mark/tag area blocks that may or may not be called.

I think that's how they did it, but I agree on-error being a different color from monitor seems odd, but I guess they are treating it like a "label". Honestly, I think it could have gone either way.

First let me state, I'm really liking the color coding enhancement to RPG. Dare I say, love.

That said, I feel that there are either inconsistencies, or I'm misunderstanding some of the coloring.

On-Error is red, but I think it should be purple. Purple seems to be for opcodes related to program logic control. That said, I do like that BegSr & EndSr (which I'd lump in that category) are red.


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