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I couldn't agree more. I like the outline view, but having to refresh it
manually really kills a lot of its usefulness. I understand that it has to
go to the server to retrieve fields for external files and external
prototypes and yada yada yada. Maybe there should be some options to
control all that. Personally, I think the WSDC/RDi should automatically
parse the code I have open for local fields, data structures, and
procedures. It should do it as I type. Other languages that use Eclipse
do this so there is no reason RPG can't. Refresh would retrieve
everything. It would go to the server and update external external files
descriptions and prototypes. There should be an option to refresh
everything at compile as well. Since my external resources will likely not
change as often, that would make the outline view 100% better in my

| From: |
|ssc1478 <ssc1478@xxxxxxx> |
| To: |
|Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx> |
| Date: |
|11/05/2009 08:59 AM |
| Subject: |
|[WDSCI-L] outline view |

I've noticed that the outline view is automatically populated when I
open a CLP, CLLE, CBL, or CBLLE source member. But for RPGLE I have
to press the refresh icon after I open the source member.

Is there a way to get the outline view to automatically populate when
I open an RPGLE source member?


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