Brandon Peterson wrote:
I believe RDi is basically just what you are asking for - essentially
the same as the WDSC "Lite".
This is said light-heartedly, so bear with me --
"Lite"? Hah! As if!
I'm looking at (what claims to be) WDSC and running an
Update Manager product update function. It's been searching for
maybe 10 mins and its progress bar seems about 5% across the window.
It's the second time I've run it just now because I (apparently)
misread a window the first time when it said I "may" chose one of
the mirror sites and it presented me with a list to select from
along with an [OK] and a [Cancel] button. I had no interest in a
mirror, so I clicked [Cancel]... which it promptly did for the
entire update. That only wasted a few minutes.
This second time through, I clicked [OK] and it started searching
the pre-selected mirror. After a few minutes, another window
appeared listing a new set of mirrors... well, apparently not "new",
but the same set except that the previously pre-selected one had
been removed from the list.
I've pressed [Cancel] and I'm back to where I started.
Okay, so maybe there just isn't anything to update.
Fine, we'll ignore that for now. Let's just look at some available
functions. Like from the Window menu bar item...
Listed menu items are:
New Window
New Editor (greyed out)
Open Perspective-> (sub-menu)
Show View-> (sub-menu)
Customize Perspective...
Save Perspective As...
Reset Perspective
Close Perspective
Close All Perspectives
Navigation-> (sub-menu)
Working Sets-> (sub-menu)
Web Browser-> (sub-menu)
First thing I wonder is why there isn't another menu-bar item for
'Perspective' rather than having those under 'Window', but that's
not really relevant here. More relevant is the sub-menu from Open
iSeries Projects
Remote System Explorer
Hmmm... "Other..."?
That opens a window listing:
CVS Repository Exploring
Data (which can actually be pretty cool)
Generic Log Adapter
iSeries Projects
Java Browsing
Java Type Hierarchy
Plug-in Development
Profiling and Logging
Remote System Explorer (default)
Rule Builder
Team Synchronizing
...all listed above an unchecked check-box labeled "Show all"!
Sheesh! "Show all"? I've gone down just one menu path of one
menu-bar item, and I reach an option to "Show all"? You mean it
'all' isn't shown already?
This is the "LITE" version?!
Well, what's under the next menu-bar item... oh, never mind...
Tom Liotta
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