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I have no sage advice about Brian's situation. Could network bandwidth
be a contributing factor? I'd also like to mention that I'd be really
unhappy if I had to give up the LPEX editor and go back to SEU.
That said, in a prior life, I did software conversions, and text
searches of libraries full of source members were absolutely essential.
I dispute that this is a unique requirement, which can be ignored. I
know I'm not the only one that's ever done contract work of that nature.
If it's a performance issue, it needs attention.
Pete Hall
Joe Pluta wrote:
| Brian Johnson wrote:
|> Even considering network overhead of a client-server app, it's hard
to see
|> how this searching feature could have been implemented in a way to be any
|> SLOWER, especially when searching a list of members. I have gone to the
|> step of downloading all source into an iSeries project just for
| I really don't want to be an apologist for this, because I agree that
| the search facility is slower than I would like. As you've mentioned,
| though, Brian, there are alternate methods depending on what it is
| you're trying to do.
| I guess my question is how often are you doing these searches, and why?
| I do indeed occasionally do a text search, but it's rare. Are you doing
| this once a month? Once a week? Once a day? Once an hour? It seems
| that unless this is something you're doing over and over the few minutes
| spent aren't going to impact your daily job.
| On the other hand, if you are in the situation where you have to use
| string scans repetitively, then why are you doing it? Are you doing
| impact analysis? Looking for file/field where used information?
| Internationalization? Searching for mod markings (used to do that all
| the time back in a previous life)?
| If so, is it possible that you need a different tool to help you with
| that? Something that performs a more in-depth analysis and gives you
| better information? I'm just asking, because sometimes bumps in the
| road surface because of other issues. We always use to say in the ERP
| game that lowering the inventory levels found the problems in the
| process. Maybe this is an opportunity to improve a process?
| Or maybe it's just that the search is too slow, and we need to ask IBM
| to beef it up a bit.
| Joe
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