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Brian Leathem wrote:
I'm working through the book "Building Applications with IBM Websphere Studio and JavaBeans", trying to teach myself how to build java applications. The book so far is great, despite being written for Websphere Studio Site Developer 5.0, so far it's been straightforward to translate the instructions to WDSC 7.0.
However, the book describes using an "inner class" to define the listener for a component. To do this, I type "button.addA" then crtl-space to prompt, and I'm supposed to select "addActionListener - addActionListener to a Component" which generates the inline class for me. This doesn't seem to be available in WDSC 7.0. I realize I can type it by hand, but that seems to defeat one of the advantages of this whole IDE thing. Does anyone have any pointers?

I got the answer from the book's author, for those who are interested I'm posting it to this list:

That function was improved in the product. The way you add events such as an
action listener is to right-click the button on the design surface and
select Events -> actionPerformed from the pop-up menu. The Visual Editor
automatically adds the code in the source pane, and you just have to add the
application-specific logic to the actionPerformed method.

Thanks to all those who answered!

Brian Leathem

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