× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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The 520 must have a license for the compilers (5722-WDS), but since you're doing development, that's probably a given. And, since you're on a 520, you're running at least v5r3.

There are a set of CD's (8-10) and a DVD that came with the system or last release. They have WDSc, Code/400, and the test environments; be sure it is version 6.0. If they do not have the packet (it says Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries on it), they will have to get their business partner to re-order it.

All of the iSeries components are already installed. The packet (mentioned above) goes on the PC (get the "biggest" one you can; memory and disk speed).

        * Jerry C. Adams
*IBM System i5/iSeries Programmer/Analyst
B&W Wholesale Distributors, Inc.* *
        jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dwight wrote:
I'm working as contractor at a shop with a 520. They are using Client Access to run 5250 & PDM. I have worked on a machine previously that had WDSCI and I wish to have them make it available to us to program on. He doesn't have any of it installed. I need to find out what the pieces are for him to install, and if he doesn't have the Install disks, what does he need to order from his IBM supplier?

I remember seeing this on the forum in the past, but am not finding it right now. If anyone can give me
links to this, or links to previous messages in the list it would be great.

Thank you in advance.

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