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I have been able to reproduce the "bug" where the LPEX editor in WDSC prompts for saving on exiting editing of CL members.  I saw the
original post talking about compiles but it appears to not be related.  I
hit the save button or Ctrl+S and the save symbol is still highlighted.
Exiting the members prompts saving even though nothing has changed.
I created some reproduction steps but you don't have to do all of them.
Just doing second sentenence of #1 should be simple enough to spot the
error quickly.
Here are some reproduction steps:
1. PGM at top with no parms.  Add a space after PGM and hit Ctrl+S.  The
save symbol still stays highlighted so you can do that as many times as you
wish.  Now exit the member and open it back up.  This time do not change
anything on the "PGM" line but maybe add a space on a line somewhere else.
Now save and you will not have the save symbol highlighted again.  Once you
change something on the "PGM" line the highlighting never goes away even
between saves.
2. Now add a parm like PARM(&PARMA) to the "PGM" line.  Hit save and the
save highlighting goes away like it should.  DCL the parm.  Hitting save
still saves and then unhighlights like it should.  Now, use the declared
parm in an "IF" statement (ex: IF COND(&PARMA *NE 'Y') THEN(DO)).  Add the
ENDDO after some code either already there or added.  Now, hit save and the
save symbol is still highlighted.
3. Now exit the member and then open it back up.  Add a space (don't
insert) to the "PGM" line or another line.  Hit save and the highlighting
goes away like it should.  That shows that something from step 2 set a
trigger for the certain piece of code to cause a problem.

I think this all relates to doing something on the "PGM" line.  This looks
like a bug that is just an annoyance when saving.
Will IBM be fixing this?  If the problem is currently unknown, is this
enough info to recreate and be able to fix?

Craig Strong

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