× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Here is a running list of what I view as needed enhancements to LPEX for
RPG.  Some of them I have already mentioned but am including just to
complete the list.  

1. Colored %bifs (for that matter, anything that is reserved by the compiler
should be able to be color coded - Keywords, bifs, etc)

2. Colored literals - for instance var1 = 'hi there' ('hi there' would be a
different color)

3. Auto-indent (with the ability to specify how much you would like to

4. relay case for data structs, fields, procs, etc in outline.

5. relay case for data structs, fields, procs, etc in "code complete".

6. Fix auto-complete for bifs (it quits trying to match what you are typing
after you are done with the % sign).

7. Modify auto-complete to include the data types of the parameters as I am
typing and/or after I am done typing.  For instance I may have typed %Sub
and then selected %SubSt from the code complete list.  After selecting
%SubSt it would be nice if it showed up as %SubSt(string:start{:length}) and
then I can fill in as needed. (thanks to Lane McBride for this suggestion).

8. Refactoring of fields, data structs, and sub procs.

9. Allow the programmer to define their own collapsible area's of code, or
allow certain area's of code to be collapsed without having to apply a
filter which affects the whole source.  Right now we can collapse it, but it
has to be by a predefined filter (Right Click->Filter view->Procedures - for
example).  If you have access, take a look at the Visual Studio editor from
Microsoft.  This feature would be really nice because you can just
un-collapse the pieces of code you are actively working on.

10. Allow a right-click function on fields/data structs in the outline to
show where that field is used in the source and 
collapse all code except where that field is used.

11. When placing the cursor on an EndDo, EndIf, open parentheses, close
parentheses, etc. . . - highlight the opposite end so you know what ends
where in your code.  Free format helps this out a little, but take the
following code for example:

pXPathArray(pCount) = %SubSt(pXPath: begin: %Len(%TrimR(pXPath)) - (begin +

That is all I have for now.  Thanks for the hard work you have done on this
new release!  

BTW, how does one get on the early release program for WDSc enhancements?  I
am willing to test. . .

Aaron Bartell

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