× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thankfully, this is production data and shouldn't get much larger. A local
government can only have so many vehicles right?

I'll look a the SQL Profiler.

Mike Wills
P: (507) 933-0880 | Skype: koldark

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Walden H. Leverich <WaldenL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Spin up SQL Profiler and look at what's getting sent to the DB. 350 rows
should be a joke for any db server. What's the base table size? You mention
there's a join, are there indexes to support that join (profiler will help
tell you -- that and looking at the execution plans).

I've seen "solutions" deployed w/out indexes that worked great in
development w/100 rows, and not so well in production with 100 million. :-)


Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software &
BEC - IRBManager
(516) 627-3800 x3051

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

-----Original Message-----
From: systemidotnet-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:
systemidotnet-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:28 AM
To: systemidotnet@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [SystemiDotNet] Speeding Up Queries with LINQ

I am transferring about 350 records (with some data collection) from a MS
SQL Server to the iSeries for processing. I feel the process is too slow
(imagine that), and takes about a minute or so. I am doing all of the MS
stuff in LINQ2SQL. Here is the basics of what I am doing currently:

1. Collect all of the vehicle master data to process one-at-a-time.
2. SUM() Fuel usage by vehicle
3. SUM() Oil usage by vehicle
4. SUM() Parts used by vehicle
5. SUM() Labor by vehicle
6. SUM() Outside Repairs by vehicle
7. SUM() Accident Costs by vehicle

I realize this is a lot of queries, but most of these are from different
tables in the MS SQL Server. All of these require at lease one join. I am
thinking of joining Oil and Parts in to one query and Outside Repairs and
Accident Costs into one query since both of those are stored in the same
tables and see if that improves performance any.

Do you have any other suggestions?

P.S. Note that this is a vendor delivered product and I would prefer to not
create any stored procedures or views (which is basically none) that aren't
already in the database.

Mike Wills
P: (507) 933-0880 | Skype: koldark
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