I am currently going through the process of preparing for V6R1 from V5R4 and have been working on it for a couple of months. The first thing you need to do is run the IBM command ANZOBJCVN on your current version to get a list of all of the objects that will not work at V6R1. System 21 System Manager will not work at V6R1. If you are on maintenance with Infor you will need to get a CD that has the new programs objects for System Manager at V6R1.
The ANZOBJCVN report showed that we also had over 2,000 System 21 programs that needed to be recompiled to work at V6R1. If you don't have System 21 source you are out of luck. This has been a long, slow, tedious process because there were 100's of programs that would not compile due to missing files, data areas, etc. Some of the programs would compile and then dump when we tried to use them. Some of the programs would not compile but when we checked the usage on them we found that we weren't using them so we are skipping them. Hopefully we won't need them later.
Part of the problem is that changes were made to System 21 programs by JBA/Geac programmers, at their development offices, using a source member for the program that is not on our system and never was. However, we were sent a different source library that was supposed to allow us to compile the programs. You can obtain the source library for an object by doing a DSPOBJD on the original object and then take option 8. We do not have most of the source libraries listed in the objects for System 21 programs. We compiled the programs, using the source provided to us by JBA/Geac when we installed the PTF's/upgrades to get to the various versions several years ago. We were told by JBA and Geac that the source we were provided would allow us to compile the programs if necessary. NOT!
I also needed updates/programs from several of my other software vendors to allow their applications to run at V6R1. Quadrant, TL Ashford, Curbstone, Varsity/UPS to name a few. I initially had over 5,000 programs that would not convert to V6R1 and have this down to just a few remaining. Some vendors like Quadrant have provided me with upgrades or special processes (Infor Infinium payroll/personnel) that need to be done after I get to V6R1. Like we won't have enough going on during the weekend of an upgrade.
Please feel free to call me is you want to discuss this further. I'm generally in from around 7AM till 4:30PM EST.
Good Luck,
Steve Prill | I.T. Manager | Rexair LLC |50 W. Big Beaver Rd. Suite 350 | Troy, MI 48084 | 248-816-8627 | fax 248-524-2191 | sprill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
-----Original Message-----
From: system21-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:system21-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Michel
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 2:33 AM
To: system21@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [SYSTEM21] System 21 vs V6 R1
I am using System 21 Version 3 which is customised. I have just bought a new AS/400 with OS Version 6 Release 1 and I want to know if migration will work straight away or do I need to do any extra work or do I need anything new from Infor apart from the Authorisation Code.
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