lol. Ok Jon. I’ll bite.

Can you show?



On Sep 18, 2024, at 5:33 PM, Jon Paris <> wrote:

Well you could always use DATA-GEN easy with that ... <evil grin>

Jon P

On Sep 18, 2024, at 5:16 PM, Jay Vaughn <jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ok I asked a question about this last week and got a good answer back from
Birgitta but I've cleaned my gmail up and cannot find that last post
unfortunately, so starting a new one...

Lets say I have the following json structure embedded in another json

"Array1": [
"key1": "myValue1",
"key2": "myValue2",
"Array2": [
"key3": "myValue3",
"key4": "myValue4"
"key5": "myValue5",
"key6": "myValue6"

But I only want that array or object to show if non-blanks are passed to
any of "myValues"
and I cannot have empty structures such as {}.

Is there a way to do this with db2 sql json functions?

I used Birgittas instructions on a field basis using syntax such as...

values json_object('key1"
:case when :myValue <> ' '
then trim(:myValue)
absent on null);

But this will leave {} if nothing in myValue.
How do I ensure it does not build the empty structure?


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