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Would anyone agree or disagree that *INLR is very much like actGrp's?

Instead of turning *INLR on or off to manage persistent memory storage and
files opened, actGrp's pretty much do the same thing.

What are any real big differences between the two?

in a call stack...

OPM - pgm1 (inlr=on), pgm2 (inlr=off), pgm3 (inlr=off), pgm4 (inlr=on)
really isnt any different than...
ILE - pgm 1 actgrp(*new), pgm2 actgrp('named'), pgm3 ( 'named'), pgm4

for the opm, on the next call, the pgms with inlr=off will still have their
files/memory still resident, and the others will not
for the ile, on the next call, the pgms with actgrp('named') will still
have their files/memory still resident, and the others will not.

yes? no?



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