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I have never used quotes (single or double) around ExtFile, rather
ExtFile(MyFile) and, then defined MyFile in D-specs as 10A. Thinking about
it this early in the morning, the reason I do that is because most of my
files are legacy S/34/36 files with a group id, such as A.MYFILE and
B.MYFILE. So once I know which company the program is running over, I can
build in my initialization routine, such as MyFile = group + '.MYFILE' and
only then OPEN MYFIE.

In other words, if the F-Spec name is the same as the file/table on disk, I
do not use ExtFile; why would I?

Jerry C. Adams
IBM i Programmer/Analyst
Umpires should be natural Republicans - dead to 'human feelings'. - George

-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Scott Klement
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2024 12:27 AM
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Extfile and ExtDesc

ExtFile and ExtDesc have always required quotes and always been

You are thinking of ExtName that once allowed unquoted names.

On 8/7/24 3:29 PM, Jon Paris wrote:
Just as a general FYI ...

When RPG changed to accept named constants for file names etc. it became a
requirement to place literal names in quotes. That also means of course that
they must also be in upper case.

Jon P

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