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Am 20.04.2024 um 14:31 schrieb Barbara Morris <bmorris@xxxxxxxxxx>:

There's an Idea that would help with comparing data structures:

It is suggesting a compare-corresponding built-in function.

The Idea assumes that a new %COMPCORR built-in function would return *ON or *OFF, but I think it would be more useful if it returned -1, 0, or 1.

-1: (ds1 is less than ds2)
0: (ds1 is equal to ds2)
1: (ds1 is greater than ds2)

But that would make it impossible to use the function like

if %compcorr(ds1:ds2);

So maybe we need more than one function:

if %isequal(ds1:ds2);


if %compare(ds1:ds2) = *zero;

Those functions could be data type agnostic - comparing data structures "correlating" - comparing arrays element-wise - and so on.

Or both functions need a procedure pointer to a "comparator function" than returns exactly that -1/0/1 result - also to help functions like sort - at least this is what C has done.


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