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sounds alot like some things I'm running into. Way too many of the
examples being used to explain json, etc., use existing json on some
endpoint or in some file on the ifs, with little info on how to get it
in there....

Now, you CAN cpytoimpf to a file on the ifs then read it in from there,
but, it also sounds like you're going to have memory issues potentially
there as well.

I've also got issues where I have a json file, or 2, that cleanly pass
jsonlint.com check, but generate problems when being read by json
parsers into RPG... Maybe still early in the game?

Maybe a long shot, but have you considered passing it to an RPG service
setup in IWS, using the input data type as json? IWS does the
conversions for you...and I'm in the middle of that learning curve as
well... Look at Nick Litten's youtube's for good help there.


On 2024-03-19 17:47, Justin Taylor wrote:

I have an RPG program that processes CGI requests using the QtmhWrStout()
API. My problem is that with very large JSON payloads that contain a
Base64 encoded ZIP file.

I can set the paramter for QtmhWrStout() to be large enough, but it throws
a runtime error saying I've exceeded automatic storage. The program won't
compile with teraspace due to all the standard storage service programs it

YAJL could handle it if I could write the payload to an IFS file, but
that's a nut I can't crack. I'm wondering whether my poor C++ skills are
up to writing a small module to do it.

Am I overlooking something?

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