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Regarding SQL, the processing of blocks of 1000 records involves stuff way beyond anything one could reasonably expect to be able to do from SQL.

And regarding The Cycle being all-but-deprecated in /FREE, I've said all of this before, and undoubtedly will say it again, but

1. If IBM Rochester had put even remotely the effort into either an ILE PL/I or some sort of a ILE version of a "QBASIC," that they did into making RPG *look like* PL/I or QBASIC, then they'd have something much better than /FREE.

2. The Cycle is one of the most idiomatic elements of RPG, as well as the language's only truly unique feature: it can give you a free ride through a file with far more control than you get with SQL (particularly to catch problems before they screw up the entire file), and it also, simply by slaving INLR to INKC, gives you a free "event loop" for an interactive program.

3. If you eliminate traditional RPG formatting, it merely ceases to *look like* RPG. If you remove even the *option* of riding The Cycle, then it ceases to *be* RPG.

4. If you're not going to learn how to make at least basic use of The Cycle (and/or nontraditional use of it, e.g., as an event loop), why bother *learning* RPG?


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