× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

And above reading JSON from the IFS, there are also functions to do web service calls from SQL with http and https:


You can use this at the same place - instead of putting the JSON there in a char literal, you can also make the HTTP_GET call, to retrieve the JSON document as a CLOB from the web service directly.

I even have an small example on my blog:


Today, I always look first into the SQL manual, if there is something - SQL has evolved so much in the last years, that there are very rare situations, where I need some internal or external API, to do the job.


Am 18.07.2023 um 00:17 schrieb VERNON HAMBERG Owner via RPG400-L <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Greg

As for how to do this with stream file, if you mean how do you process a JSON file in the IFS, there is an SQL function that can pull the JSON file in to be processed - it's used where Daniel has "insert your json here" - here's an example - JSON_TABLE(Get_CLOB_From_File(:xmlFilePath),


On Mon, 17 Jul, 2023 at 4:05 PM, Greg Wilburn <gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To: rpg programming on ibm i

Thanks Daniel!

With this API, the Data portion is only dynamic based on my call to the REST web service (I passed the value in the "fields" as a parameter to the web service).

I'm willing to try something new (and I like Run SQL Scripts)...

Just curious how I would use this with a stream file on the IFS? I like to save my latest response on the IFS.


-----Original Message-----
From: RPG400-L <rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> On Behalf Of Daniel Gross
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 4:19 PM
To: RPG programming on IBM i <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: JSON un-named arrays

Hi Greg,

I don't know, if it helps, but you can walk the whole JSON document with SQL without problems.

select *
from json_table(
'lax $'
columns (
records integer path '$.records',
fields varchar(1000) path '$.fields',
nested path 'lax $.data[*]'
columns (
trano integer path '$[0]',
ref varchar(50) path '$[1]',
duedate decimal(8, 0) path '$[2]',
name varchar(50) path '$[3]',
amount decimal(10, 2) path '$[4]'
) as json_doc;

As you can see, the named parts are referenced by ".name", whereas the "unnamed" JSON elements have no named reference, but only the "[index]". The nested path reference is the JSON equivalent of an table JOIN.

Of course - if the "data" part of the JSON is dynamic, and you have to detect the columns be the "fields" element, it can get a but complicated.

But even then, you can first split the "fields" list into its elements, an then construct a dynamic SQL to extract the "data" parts.

So from my POV - SQL is often the easier solution - especially because you can test it with Run SQL Scripts until everything is "perfect".

HTH and kind regards

Am 17.07.2023<http://17.07.2023> um 17:31 schrieb Greg Wilburn <gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>:

Typically, I use DATA-INTO and the YAJLINTO parser... But I'm not sure if that's possible with the JSON below. The array "data" contains an un-named array of values.

Any suggestions on how handle reading this?
Do I need to use the YAJL "tree-based" method?

"records": 4,
"fields": "trano,ref,duedate,name,amount",
"data": [
"Stamford Toys",
[Logo]<https://www.totalbizfulfillment.com/><https://www.totalbizfulfillment.com/>> Greg Wilburn
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