× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Buck

Excellent summary, as usual! I think the OP got advice like this in his original email, I recall some confusion about his use of the term *call stack*. This term, in computer science so far as I can see, is used for real-time, run-time list or tree of what has been called to get where you are at the time. At a very low level, a stack is a LIFO (last-in-first-out) structure that things like operations are put on to and taken off of as a process continues. There is an SQL table function, STACK_INFO, that has been around since 7.2, at least.

Turns out, it seems, that the request was for a cross-reference thing - what one vendor calls used-by and where-used lists. There is no SQL service for that from IBM.

I think this group responded to the original question much as you did, Buck, and others did - get a cross-reference tool from one of these vendors.


On 6/23/2023 5:29 AM, Buck Calabro wrote:
On Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 04:40, tim ken<timk2574@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
By the way, has anyone got a program to find out the full call stack of the
program here as per my earlier question here ?
The general business problem of IBM i cross reference information is
complex and difficult.
In my opinion, too complex to be solved with 'a program'.
The community generally agrees that it's more effective to buy a
solution than to write one, and so there is a viable market where
multiple vendors offer their solutions for sale.
The below is not an exhaustive list.


Perhaps you aren't interested in buying. Well, you just might be
living in the most excellent time to be an IBM i programmer!
RDi (sold by IBM/Rational), MiWorkplace (sold at
https://www.miworkplace.com/ but note that they offer a free version
for use with PUB400.com), and Liam's VS Code for IBM i
(https://code.visualstudio.com/, then install the extension
- all free of charge). All of these allow integration with Git/GitHub.
That means that you - yes, you! - can start writing the tool you want,
share it with the community, and everyone can help make it better!!!

PUB400 - free
tn5250 - free
VS Code for i - free
MiWorkplace - free for PUB400
GitHub - free
Midrange.com - free
Ryver (http://ibm.biz/ibmioss-chat-join) - free

Every part of the IBM i development environment is free of charge,
available to everyone, everywhere.
Good luck!


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