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Hi Jay,

When you say "exportable procedure" it sounds like you're writing a service program.

Are you talking about a procedure in an SQLRPGLE program?  And in that same program, you want to consume the result set produced by that procedure?

Further, it sounds like the c1 cursor you mention is defined in the procedure. That would only be visible within the procedure.  Were you trying to define the cursor in a procedure and then use it somewhere else?  Do you want your procedure to return the entire result set?

So many questions.

If you want to write a procedure that does some SQL then returns one record at a time from the result set, that should be doable.

Or you could write the procedure to return a data structure array of records.

It's hard to tell from what you've said exactly what you're trying to do.

*Peter Dow* /
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx /

On 6/21/2023 11:47 AM, Jay Vaughn wrote:
is it possible to declare an sql in an exportable procedure, and use that
cursor in the consuming executable?

tried it but my consuming RPG pgm will not compile, saying it cannot find
the c1 cursor...
What am I missing or is it just not possible?



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