× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

In the early 80's I wrote a program on the S/38 which would ACQ another
device and display a screen which looked identical to the system Sign-On
display in order to muck around with other members of our staff...


Well, if we are all confessing to writing the ol' fake signon screen I
guess I better hold my hand up as well, but hey I was young, it was one of
my first screen programs and it was so long ago I still had decent hair...

In more recent times (but still the distant past) I wrote a variation..
A friend came into work one day and told us that he was worried he'd been
tricked by a fake internet site. He said he'd input payment card details on
a screen and then decided the site looked a bit dodgy.
He didn't submit a form, nevertheless he was worried his details might
still have been captured so he rang the bank and cancelled his card.

While he was at lunch I wrote a spoof screen program with some text about
setting up additional security and requiring a couple of questions like
favourite colour and first pet name etc.
I changed his initial program to call my fake screen (capturing his data
entry - including re-entry of his password) and then his initial program.
I ended his job so he would have to sign on again when he got back from

Honestly, given what had just happened to him, I thought he'd just look at
me and say Ha Ha very funny but he filled in the screen without question.
He wasn't as amused as the rest of us when I read out his security answers.
I think he did eventually laugh but not until he'd punched me in the arm.
Ouch, he was a big lad too.

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