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Posted to Midrange by habit.....sorry for the duplicate...

I have an sqlrpgle program that creates JSON output using JSON_ARRAY (among others) and outputs JSON (actually, SQL is pretty cool along these lines).  Running just the SQL statement interactively, I get just what I expect, nicely formatted JSON. When I run it within the RPG program, I have some issues.  It really boils down to understanding a couple of things:

If the goal is to output the SQL into a variable and then dump that variable out using Standard Out (QtmhWrStout) what should the variable type be?  Originally I tried varchar but I got an error when it was output due to "reason code 12:   -- The CCSIDs (Coded Character Set Identifiers) of the operands cannot be made compatible."   So either I chose the wrong data type or I need to set a CCSID.  I tripped across a post from a few years ago that using a DBCLOB or a CLOB type an CCSID of 1200.  I do get output now (no error) but it is just a string of '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...'s that tells me a have CCSID issue.

Tried a few other ideas, still get the wrong output.  So the question is:  If the plan is to output through a CGI pgm using QtmhWrStout how should I define the variable and should it be assigned a CCSID?

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