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On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 7:55 PM Jon Paris <jon.paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

But I'm mystified. Why on earth is anybody converting the XML from/to JSON in the first place? The only possible outcome is an increase in processing time.

Well, if it were one-way, from XML to JSON only, there might be a
point. Most people find JSON easier to handle than XML, and of course
JSON is less verbose.

But Dave said this:

The company that will be sending the data already receives it in XML format
from their client and converts it to JSON that it sends to us. Then, on
receiving our JSON response, it will convert it back to XML for the client.

So, if the client sends XML, and eventually needs the response in XML,
then it sure is confusing why JSON is being introduced at all.

My only guess is that the company sitting between the client and Dave
has to do some kind of processing other than just the conversion from
XML to JSON, and *they* need to work with JSON internally. So it's for
that middle company's benefit that JSON is in the picture.

John Y.

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