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Without knowing how complex and how large and how often it is not easy to

However we have built a process where our php application calls a service
program procedure to retrieve data from both DB2 and MS SQL, and returns
it in JSON to php.

When I started the project my knowledge of JSON was ... well, I know what
the letters stood for.

Scott Klement's tutorials and sample code made it quite easy to get

Since that first project we now have quite a few web service calls where
JSON is either received or provided.

Jon Paris has also written some great stuff on using data-into and how to
construct the required data structure to process JSON.

And the members on this group are absolutely the best when you get stuck.

So YAJL in my opinion is a very good way to go.

My 2 cents

Don Brown

From: "Dave" <dfx1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 20/05/2021 06:51 AM
Subject: RPG and XML or JSON
Sent by: "RPG400-L" <rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I need help to decide if the YAJL Open Source JSON Tool is the right
choice for us.

I'm working on a new application that will accept and return data in JSON
The company that will be sending the data already receives it in XML
from their client and converts it to JSON that it sends to us. Then, on
receiving our JSON response, it will convert it back to XML for the
We are currently only used to dealing with XML formatted data only and
no JSON experience. We have a couple of possibilities that would enable us
to convert the data from JSON to XML and back which would be a shame to
have to do.

We need to weigh up the cost between implementing a solution that we know
how to do and one that we don't but looks better.
How can I go about estimating the time to install and deploy the YAJL
solution? Is it an easy solution to implement?
Is there any way of estimating the effect on the response times if we were
to convert the JSON to XML? That would mean 4 conversions of the data from
XML to JSON and back.


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