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Well said Joe.

I might add that (personally) I find that there is a difference between "stupid" as applied to an action and "stupid" as applied to an individual.

On Jul 17, 2020, at 4:28 PM, Joe Pluta <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Eddie, I hope you take this is the spirit it was intended, which is to attempt to illuminate both sides of a contentious discussion. I personally did not like the use of the word "stupid", but my alternative isn't really all that much more gentle. I would have used "irresponsible". I consider it irresponsible to not advise management in strong terms of a path that has nearly zero risk or effort but yet provides a high value-add, which is what CVTRPGSRC does. The generated code is not pretty, but it requires no cleanup or modification and IMMEDIATELY provides the benefits of all of the expanded functionality of non-ILE RPG IV, from BIFs to better RDi support. So the point was not questioning your intellect, just the wisdom of the decision.

Obviously the word "stupid" is loaded; it almost always comes off as condescending. However, I think if you review your own posts with an unbiased eye you might see a bit of condescension on your side as well. I know that seeing that sort of thing in your own posts is hard to do, but I've gotten good at it over the years because frankly, I used to be a complete and utter horse's ass on these forums. Usually, though, it was in response to someone else slighting me (perceived or actual), and at the end of the day it took two to tango.

Tone is impossible to convey on forums and is often subject to the worst possible interpretation.

Anyway, just my nickel's worth of free advice. :) Take it for what it's worth.

And just to be clear, I am pre-emptively ignoring ANY posts commenting on the phrase "used to be". :^P

On 7/17/2020 10:53 AM, Eddie Gomez wrote:
After years of contributing, I’m getting off this forum. Responding to individual use cases as “stupid” says more about you than it does about others.

Continue your little party. Your lack of diplomacy is shameful. This is not how you talk to people.

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