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And huge, huge caveat: I am in no way a Git expert.  I wouldn't even consider myself a competent user. I've used it in the past, and I understand the basic concepts, but that's about it.

On 10/2/2019 7:48 AM, Joe Pluta wrote:
Full free pretty much requires a CMS like Git.  And in fact, that's my biggest kick against it.  A LOT of people hate mod marks, but I'm not one of them.  I like to be able to bring up source code and be able to read through the historical changes in a particular routine.

Even with full revision control, it's kind of hard to see the effects of multiple changes, at least for a novice like me.  I think you can get a list of commits between two dates, and then get the differences for each of those commits, but I don't know how to get all that information into a single, comprehensive display.

On 10/2/2019 7:37 AM, Kerwin Crawford via RPG400-L wrote:
I have not written any full free programs YET!
One question.  If you use some sort of mod mark system how do you do it?
I have always put comments at the top of the program with the mod mark and then in positions 1-4 put the mod mark.  For example
kc01   // Kerwin Crawford P#2196 kc01
kc01   //    The program stopped working when xxx
kc01   //   Setll (System:'C ') clients;
kc01      Setll (System:Client) clients;

Note I do not have any sort of CMS.

Kerwin Crawford

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