× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I am currently creating an application to compile all RPGLE/SQLRPGLE programs that reference a particular file. I call my new CL pgm with a single parameter of the filename, which then passes it into my new RPGLE program, which then loops through and compiles every program that references the filename passed. This is working very well with one exception - the CRTBNDRPG & CRTSQLRPGI commands that I build within the new program specify OUTPUT(*NONE), and yet the compile listings are generated anyway. I can run the exact same command interactively and it does not generate the compile listings. Why do these commands, when built & run within my new RPG program, ignore the OUTPUT(*NONE) directive? I have debugged my new program and the command is absolutely correct. Example...:

cmd = 'CRTBNDRPG PGM(' + %trim(whlib) + '/' +
%trim(whpnam) + ') SRCFILE(' + %trim(whlib) +
'/QRPGLESRC) SRCMBR(' + %trim(whpnam) + ') ' +
success2 = *on;
qcmdexc( cmd : %len( %trim( cmd )));
on-error *ALL;
success2 = *off;

Could it have something to do with the Monitor process? It's working perfectly except that it generates the compile listing every time, even though I've included the OUTPUT(*NONE) parm. I can debug and copy/paste the exact command that's being generated on an interactive command-line, and it works perfectly (no printout).

The field 'cmd' is plenty long enough, so that's not the problem. We're currently on 7.2, but will be moving to 7.3 systems over the next few months.


Thanks in advance.


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