× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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I might be having a bad-brain-day, but I thought the following was possible:
dcl-s TTAAMT_x like(CURR_1) inz; // currently packed(13: 2)
// needed for multiple data structure overlays
dcl-s TTAAMT_z zoned(C_TTAAMT_LEN: C_TTAAMT_DP) inz;

I want to declare a zoned field with the exact same dimensions as a packed
field, and the dimensions of that packed field are set in a file.

I am getting "RNF3320: The keyword parameter is not defined; keyword is
ignored." on both usages of the constant on the definition of the zoned
field when compiling the code.

I'm on v7r3 and the relevant help text for ZONED(digits {:
decimal-positions}) says "Each parameter can be a literal or a named

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to have a zoned field with the
same dimensions as a packed field without hard-coding the dimensions in the


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