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Hi Peter

Thanks for the info - I was kind of wondering about reading an existing document. So this could make Booth's idea more feasible - of course, if Scott's service program includes the necessary calls.


On 3/21/2019 3:10 PM, Peter Dow wrote:
Hi Vern,

With POI you can also read a spreadsheet, so the idea is, create a template spreadsheet that already has formatting applied to rows/columns/cells, have your RPGLE program read it, then populate it with data, and write out a new spreadsheet.  You can also add markers in certain cells so your program knows where to place certain data, kind of like host variables in an SQL statement.

*Peter Dow* /
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
petercdow@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:petercdow@xxxxxxxxx>
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> /

On 3/22/2019 12:47 AM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:
I hear you on using a theme - but with POI you start with an empty slate - unless there is a way to base what you are doing on an existing file, you'd have to put in code to build the theme and apply it.

That might be possible, others will know better whether a "model" or "template" file is possible - I don't necessarily mean an Excel XLTX file.

But maybe, right?


On 3/21/2019 2:20 PM, Booth Martin wrote:
I understand that.  My assumption is that if his existing process understands Excel instructions then probably it also has an instruction as to what theme to use.  If he can specify a theme then making a custom theme that he can use repeatedly would save him a ton of time.  If his shop is using a lot of Excel, chances are better than 50% that they already have a network place for custom Office themes. Saving his theme to the organization's network would most likely be a fairly routine step.

As to the out-of-network users....  that's a "Beyond this place there be Dragons" step that I won't tread.

After looking at the idea he may still reject it, but it's advantages make it deserving of a look-see.

On 3/22/2019 1:57 AM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:

Darren is trying to create Excel files on IBM i using POI - Office doesn't run there, so can't be used for this.

Of course, I could be missing what you mean, as well - and maybe the same the other way!!


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