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I was wondering if there is any significant overhead by (or reason against) compiling all RPG programs and service programs with THREAD(*CONCURRENT)?

Usually I only have the constellation that only one thread per job is created. Though when using frameworks like ILEastic multiple threads per job are used. Then every program/service program in the call chain should support multithreading.

Hi Mihael,

IMHO overhead wouldn't be a problem, it's overestimated in the RPG community!
Stability would be the main problem to me. Only very few RPG programms are compiled, specifying the THREAD keyword and there might be undetected bugs in the RPG runtime, maybe even fixed bugs coming back with a new release.

The RPG reference is telling, that THREAD(*CONCURRENT) is making all static storage threadlocal. This would work very diffrent from Java or other modern languages: a thread, doing some work, changing the state of the process the change would not be seen in other threads, this might produce very strange effects and has to be circumvented in application design.
It seems to be possible to use static variables, declared with static(*allthread) and protect it by using synchronized procedures (in recent releases).
There are some hints in the RPG reference (explicit import/export <I don't use anyway>, using pointers and procedure pointers <procptr I'm using in every programm - CEE4RAGE>, *INxx should be no problem< a must not use feature anyway>


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