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You've gotten all the specific answers you need, but I thought I'd chime in with the more generalized approach. This is Boolean logic or more precisely Boolean algebra (which is what got me into programming lo those many decades ago).  The specific case is DeMorgan's law, which states:

not (A and B) = (not A or not B)

A: SML010 <> 5
B: M1PLIN = *blanks

not A: SML010 = 5
not B: M1PLIN <> *blanks
(not A or not B): (SML010 = 5 or M1PLIN <> *blanks)

I use Boolean algebra all the time to simplify complex business logic (especially IF statements that have grown over time).  A nice page for it exists here:


don't laugh, but i need to make sure i get this absolutely certain..

very elementary here... but, at risk of looking like a complete dummy...

what is the else to this if statement (in statement form)?

if ( SML010 <> 5 and M1PLIN = *blanks);

I think it is...

if ( SML010 = 5 and M1PLIN = *blanks );

But need to be absolutely sure and want 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions...

I want to includeRecord based on a true if statement condition.


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