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Hello list,
Has anyone encountered a situation where they had to parse a CSV file that contained JSON strings in one of the "fields"?
I am using Scott Klement's CSVR4 service program to parse a CSV file and I'm wondering if it is possible to ensure the JSON strings that are in the file retain double quotes.
Here's a sample row of the CSV I am dealing with.

"Bill Ding","123 Mockingbird Lane","Some City", "MN", "90210"," [{"pricelineType":"ITEM","amount":"19.95","currency":"USD"},{"pricelineType":"SHIPPING","amount":"5.95","currency":"USD"}]"

After opening and loading the CSV file, the results are as follows (I will list each field on its own row for read-ability:
Bill Ding
123 Mockingbird Lane
Some City

I am omitting string and field delimiters when calling CSV_open, so doubles are used for field delimiters and a comma is used for the field delimiter.

The problem is that I cannot successfully parse the JSON because the double quotes are missing.

My 2 cent are I don't know why anyone would imbed JSON strings in a comma separated file, but that is out of my control in this situation.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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