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Your formatting disappeared completely.

"Or is that the value with no name?" - Yes - except that the name is api_product_list.

I _think_ you are making the same mistake I made when starting with json in that you are expecting everything to be name/value pairs. That is not the case.

This is the way I think of it (probably an oversimplification but it works for me.

1: A json _object_ consists of name/value pairs.

2: The value portion can be a string, a number, an object, an array, a boolean, or null.

3: If the value is an array the array can include objects (which of course will be in name/value form) but arrays can contain anything and a simple list of values is just fine.
See https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_arrays.asp <https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_arrays.asp> for several examples.

Looking at your json again it seems to me that api_product_list is probably not an array. Look at where the [ array marker is placed. It is within the value (i.e. within the " quotes). It is I suspect a simple csv list as a single text sting. Goodness knows why they bothered with the [ ] pair - it just confuses things.

api_product_list_json on the other hand is a json array - the array marker being _outside_ the quotes.

Probably if there were multiple values it would look something like this:
"api_product_list" : "[ P2P Rideshare API Product, Public Transport API Product]",
"api_product_list_json" : [ "P2P Rideshare API Product", "Public Transport API Product"]

The folks that gave you the sample json could have made your life much easier with a better example!

Hope this helps.

Jon Paris


On Jan 11, 2019, at 6:29 PM, Don Brown <DBrown@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks to all who replied.

Greg: Thanks for the tip, I have installed the json plugin for Firefox. I
feel this is going to get good use.

Greg: I also opened the json string in Firefox. I am not sure how to
interpret the results. (At least the results are consistent between
Notepad++ and Firefox)

Jon: Thank you for your response, your solution works but I must admit to
being confused as per my comment (To me this is saying it is an array
because of the [ brackets but there is only one name in the array with no
value ? Or is that the value with no name ?) Let me provide more detail... <snip>.

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