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I never said 'string' was a reserved XML element?!?!  I only said that it's name was 'string' (because that's what you showed in your document)  another provider could potentially use any name. The point is that the data inside that element is another XML document.  Which is not an unusual thing.

You say that it only happens when saving to the IFS...  can you post the code both ways?  Once where you're not saving it and getting the document the way you want, and once where you are saving it the IFS and the data is wrong?



On 9/4/2018 2:09 PM, Kurt Anderson wrote:
" It is an XML document with an element named 'string' that has another XML document passed inside of it."
That was my initial response as well. But, there is no such thing (from my google searching) as a reserved XML element (other than xml), meaning <string> is not a special element that would imply that everything coming before </string> would be a value and not more xml elements.
As I noted before, the escaping is only happening when the file is saved to the IFS, and not when processed directly.
And please don't take any offense. I'm not *blaming* anyone here, but something is causing this to happen and I was hoping to find a way to prevent it from happening, wherever that may be occurring.

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