× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

If all you need is to provide some data from IBM i as a web service to a client (f. e. web frontend but could also be anything else from web to mobile to another backend, doesn't matter) then you could try the BlueDroplet framework, https://bitbucket.org/m1hael/bluedroplet . You can do REST services with RPG , native. No Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, whatever. Just plain RPGLE and a little C (which you don't need to know because it is all encapsulated). Best thing (beside the ILE integration) is that you don't need anything else configured like the Apache HTTP web server because the project comes with its own web server. The result is an ILE program you just start with a CALL. You can use the tools you know (or should know like ILE).

If you have any question about the project just drop me a mail.

Best regards


On 09.08.2018 19:14, Booth Martin wrote:
This has to be simpler than I am making it.  I have a web page ( louie.martinvt.com ) that presents a simple page of states and cities.  It is populated with a .json file located with the page.

The actual .json file is produced with an RPGLE program (using Scott's YAJL) and a regular physical file.  My intention is to have an RPG web service provide that .json file and it be accepted by my web page's javascript.  I have used Scott's program for that but I am missing something.

So far, all of the articles & examples I find discuss solutions requiring php, jquery, or some other ancillary product.

I have looked for a simple "Hello World" solution that goes end-to-end and had no luck.

Any examples or tutorials that are dumbed way down, so I can at least see what it is I am supposed to be doing?

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