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Thanks for the responses. No indicators (left or right), no error trapping
going on.

I see a lot of code from the early 90's on that is largely RPGII code in
RPGIV column syntax. I see a lot of stuff and shake my head "Why would
anyone do that". I will grant you that most of this was pre-RPG-free, so I
can get past that. But I do find that code written this way takes 10 times
longer to decipher than if had really been written using good RPG IV coding.
The tools that I have at my disposal don't do a good job of converting this
code when it comes to conditioning indicators, Z-add, move, goto, and
similar statements. So I feel like using these tools I still have to
manually modify about 1/2 the code. Consequently, I try to leave it alone if
I can.


Jim Hawkins

Programmer Analyst

Interkal LLC

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