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So the "bad data" is already in the table and you're wanting to identify it? Can you define "bad data"?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Vaughn [mailto:jeffersonvaughn@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 8:02 AM
To: RPG programming on the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) <rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: detecting "bad data" using an sql statement

So the only way i know to detect bad data using sql is when doing the actual insert of the data into another file.

Is there "select" way of doing it instead? And ideally report all rows back that have bad data detected. also when a select is done in STRSQL over the file, the bad data shows up as "+++++", so just need to know how STRSQL detects it and shows "+++++" instead of the data.


insert into ls#jhv.srvfm50 (prefix)
(select prefix from ldataicl.srvfm50)

file ls#Jhv.srvfm50 has "bad data" in it and the following sql error occurs when the statement is run...

Message ID . . . . . . : SQL0406

Message . . . . : Conversion error on assignment to column PREFIX.

Cause . . . . . : During an attempt to assign a value to column PREFIX
an INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER TABLE, or REFRESH TABLE statement, conversion error
type 6 occurred. If precompiling, the error occurred when converting a

numeric constant to the same attributes as column PREFIX. A list of the

error types follows:

-- Error type 1 is overflow.

-- Error type 2 is floating point overflow.

-- Error type 3 is floating point underflow.

-- Error type 4 is a floating point conversion error.

-- Error type 5 is not an exact result.

-- Error type 6 is numeric data that is not valid.

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