× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 11/8/2017 1:01 PM, Dan wrote:
PGMA has an *entry plist with 2 parameters, all fixed C-specs.
PGMB calls PGMA with 3 parameters in the call.
Both programs are RPGLE.
In my testing, there were no apparent errors.
Is there a concern that the data passed in the 3rd parameter may corrupt
memory in PGMA?

It seems to me that the danger is in the other direction. A simple
thought experiment:

var1 char(10)
var2 char(20)
var3 char(30)

call pgma (var1: var2: var3)

arga char(10)
argb char(20)

argb = arga

What happens in PGMA? The two parameters are actually pointers to
storage inside of PGMB. As PGMA manipulates arga and argb, it's
actually reading and modifying the memory set aside in var1 and var2.

This pointer idea is key to the concept, because PGMA _does not_ set
aside 30 bytes of storage (arga 10, argb 20) and PGMB _does not_ dump 60
bytes into that memory and write over the top of Barbara Knows What over
there in PGMA.

Since web app deployment and Power i app deployment are on different
schedules, the web app may be deployed before the Power i app. Hence my
I don't know how to safely deploy interdependent parts of the same
software at different times. That would be a very interesting (new
topic) post to read!

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