× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


I am new to this forum, but I have done some research related to JSON and
couldn't find anything similar to my issue.

I am working on a proof of concept to code new programs in order to parse
the only received parameter formed as a JSON object into a data structure.

I explain it better: previously, all our programs received a single
parameter defined as an external data structure, so as soon as *entry plist
operation code is executed the data structure and all the fields in it were
filled in and made available for programs to use them (quite common
solution). External data structure are defined as PF without member and can
be used by any program that need to call the one which received it as a
parameter to perform a specific function.

Now we are moving our ERP's graphic interface to web: it means that a
program call can be executed by a store procedure called either by web
applications or by RPG programs. To serve the purpose of having a quick UI
response, parameters are passed coded in a JSON object and new programs
have been coded to parse JSON input parameter field by field using SK's
JSON APIs (thanks!).

I am guessing whether I can expand and generalize this behavior by coding a
general routine which takes an external definition of JSON (even nested)
structure and assigns each object's name found into JSON parameter to its
corresponding variable name's value.

My nightmares are: firstly, today's external DS are one level only and I
can't figure out how to represent nested levels; secondly how to
dynamically associate the value of JSON pair to its corresponding
variable's value according to its type.

One general idea might be to code some external D specifications to be used
through /COPY option, which represent JSON structure in terms of qualified
names and types, array included. Then JSON objects can be read element by
element but how can I address the right DS variable without explicitly
write its name?

Can you suggest me some technique I haven't explored yet or any other way
to approach the problem?

Thank you

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