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Something that I have encountered a few times now at my current employment.
I am using a utility to modify data in a file to correct a user keying
error. What I am running into is that the utility is finding fields that
are not populated with valid data in a field (not the field that I need to
fix) according to the values list associated with a particular field.

Example: today I am fixing a mis-keyed date field, but the utility is
telling me that the product type is not valid. In this particular case, I
know that the product type should be valid as it a recent addition to our
product lines and one of our most popular customer choices, but in was not
in the values list for the product type field.

Data is being initially put into the file through an SQL procedure or RPG
program. (I am not sure in this particular case how this record was added
as we have multiple options of how it could have been done.) The vast
majority of the time (95% +), the entries are created via data coming
through a dataq and an RPG procedure continuously monitors the dataq and
uses the data to populate this and other files. This job is under a user
profile that has *allobj and *jobctl special authorities.

It has always been my understanding that by have a values list, SQL and RPG
would NOT allow other values to be entered for that field. Is my
understanding of this incorrect, or is there something else that I need to
look for? Can a profile with special security setting (and if so what
setting) be the issue?

This is not the only file I have encountered this type of issue with, but
this is the one where this is the biggest issue.

V7.1 security level 40


Jim Hawkins
Programmer Analyst
Interkal LLC
Kalamazoo, MI

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