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At this time we want it not to blow up - I think we get a message about invalid XML.

This is information from work done in the field and is stuff like what a service person found. The field personnel use iPhones now, and they are able to enter all this stuff.

We don't need the emojis on the IBM i - we reprint the invoices as spooled files and send out perhaps printing to paper or as PDFs converted from the spooled files.

As I say, the first step is to be able to have the data come in __at all__, then we can figure out what we want to do - as you suggest, maybe strip it out, maybe store it for a data warehouse/business intel side of things to print to browser, etc.


On 2/13/2017 4:35 PM, Nathan Andelin wrote:
Vern, you didn't way what you want to do with the XML, nor the emojis (i.e.
store it in a database, render it in a browser, parse and strip-out the

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Vernon Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

A little more on what the code is - here is what I believe is processing
the nodes in question -

when event = *XML_UCS2_REF
or event = *XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF;
stackval(depth) += %char(%subst( ucs2val : 1
: %div(stringLen:2) ));

UCS2VAL is declared as a data type C, that's all.

We are at 7.1 of the OS, so I think we do not have the newer support for
CCSIDs and all.

How about changing UCS2VAL to and H type? Then do whatever we need to do
with it?

Or have a table with a column that is UTF-8? And pull into the variable
association with that? Am I being crazy?


On 2/13/2017 3:29 PM, Vernon Hamberg wrote:


We have data coming in that MIGHT contain emojis - not sure if we can
have a corporate rule to say don't do that, but it still might.

We are using XML-SAX to process the XML - it works fine - until someone
puts an emoji to send the customer a bouquet or a nice face.

I've suggested the source app put the text in a CDATA block - does this
look as if it should work?

If not, other suggestions are welcome.

Emojjs appear to have their own block in Unicode - the one's I saw
appeared to be 4-byte sequences - but I see there can be several lengths,
as, IIRC, UTF-8 can have.

I've wondered about using a 1208-CCSID variable to pull in the data - I'm
trying to find where the source code is hiding right now!

Help much appreciated!


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