× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

How about your new web developer could at least have a starting point
to make a small emergency fix if needed.

Mike Wills

Sent from my mobile

On Apr 12, 2011, at 5:04 PM, "sjl" <sjl_abc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am involved in a philosophical argument with one of the lead developers in
the JDE/Oracle V5R4 shop where I have been working as a consultant for the
last five years.

If I understand her correctly, her argument is that as a JDE shop that we
should NOT be using RPGIV at all, and that we should be writing /all/ code
in RPG/400. I don't necessarily disagree, in the case of simple mods to an
existing JDE program, but I would argue that /all/ new development should be
done in free-form RPGIV.

We currently have a mixture of OPM and RPGIV code.

Some of the RPGIV is programs that have simply been run through CVTRPGSRC to
convert them to fixed-form ILE source, other RPGIV code includes several
including entire sub-systems which have been written entirely in free-form
RPGIV utilizing service programs and binding source.

Other than hitting the RPG/400 compiler limits on the number of arrays,
tables, and files (which necessitates converting the program to RPGIV in
order for it to compile successfully), she wants me to present five
compelling reasons to justify the use of RPGIV, particularly free-form RPGIV

Any thoughts? I need ammunition!

- sjl

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