× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

returning to the menu, I was wondering if all the closing of
files was at least partially to blame.

The process of closing files is normally not costly (opening is a different
matter completely). To be sure, there is some cleanup, freeing of memory,
record-lock-release, and the like, but probably nothing you'd notice on your
wall clock. There are indexing options (MAINT(*DLY), MAINT(*REBUILD) that
can cause OPEN to take extra time, but nothing like that of which I'm aware
for CLOSE.

Files can appear on the
list of files open several times. This is because they are
declared in several modules bound (by copy) to the same program.
Is this something to be avoided, or is the performance cost negligible?

Wouldn't it be convenient if it were all that easy? :) Fact is, this is a
matter of application design. To answer the question, it would be good to
DESIGN for the application to work properly with shared access paths, but in
practice it usually (or at least often) becomes a too-cumbersome exercise
for the developer. Each ODP consumes a little memory, and each full OPEN
has its performance cost. But often there are more fruitful places to look
when trying to improve performance.

Is any sort of remote database involved? How about remote journaling?


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