I was faced with a similar situation. Scott Klement gave me some insight
and advise.
Here is a link to the archive
Robert Rogerson
[2]jmoreno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello everyone,
In our company we are using a java program that serves a external function
A consultant put together an RPG wrapper that calls the java program and
returns the results to the RPG program ( A callable function)
The problem resides here:
When the RPG program invokes the procedure that describes the java
The java program returns java string and it works fine when all conditions
are fine
However, there is no provision for a Java exception error handling in RPG
other than the RPG MONITOR opcode
I have been told that in the case of an exception Java type we have to
manipulate the Java exception in a different way
Is it possible to catch that Java exception error in RPG and how would you
recomend to do it?
How could you get that "Java exception error back in your RPG progarm and
manipulate that information?"
Jorge A Moreno
Military Car Sales, Inc
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