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DDL means Data Definition Language - it is not a source type - you create a source member which you then specify on a RUNSQLSTM command. That member can really have any source type - PDM does not care or use it, AFAIK. I often use SQL for the source type.

DDL includes all the CREATE, ALTER, DROP, etc., statements. The SQL Reference can tell you what they are - or just google on DDL and you should find something.

Now SQL has another set of statements, known as DML - Data Manipulation Language - things like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.

I just learned at COMMON that when you use RUNSQLSTM to create a table, that source member information is stored in the object description - just as it is when creating something from DDS - way cool!!! Of course, all you others already knew that!


Tom Deskevich wrote:
I have been searching through the archives and the web.
I want to create a data base file using DDL. Is DDL just a text file created
with PDM with a CREATE statement in it? I did not see any examples anywhere
except CREATE statements. I never saw the equivalent of DDS for the CREATE
to look at.
I do not see a source type DDL in PDM.
Signed, confused in Ebensburg...

Tom Deskevich
Infocon Corporation
Phone 814-472-6066
Fax 814-472-5019

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