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Simple answer...

You are reading previous and adding to the subfile display as you read

When reading previous add to an array and put the first record read in
element 10. Then when finished output the array to the subfile.

Read previous only to set the position of the file. Then use your forward
read loop to read the file again to populate the subfile.

Michael Schutte
Admin Professional

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rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 03/30/2009 01:41:55 PM:

Hello all...

I'm running into a really weird situation and I'm wondering if anyone's
ever encountered it before.

We're generating a subfile with 10 records (one page at a time, subfile
size and page = 10), nothing fancy, with both regular and hidden fields.
There are no issues with writing the records themselves.

When paging down (using the roll-up), the records proceed forward 10 at a

time in ascending sequence.

If, however, the page up key (roll down) is used, the records appear in a

reversed order - the correct records appear, just out of sequence. I've
included an example of what's happening:

Screen - starting position:

A Record
B Record
C Record
D Record

Screen after paging down:

E Record
F Record
G Record
H Record

Screen after paging up

D Record
C Record
B Record
A Record.

If we were now to hit the page down key again, we would get

E Record
F Record
G Record
H Record

The procedure is pulling the correct records, it's just not displaying
them in the proper way.

This subfile procedure is used in a number of programs. I use it any
we need a subfile - basically cloned code. None of the other programs
that use this code are having the same issue - there are around 40
different programs using it. The logical that is used during the fill of

this particular subfile is not unusual - a three key index with ascending

controls on the keys - there are no omit or select functions. I have
checked the logical to verify the index properties.

I've checked the clear and display of the subfile and there are no
indicator issues.

I've stepped through the code with the debug procedure and watched how it

is writing the records, verifying the contents of each record's fields
the relative record number associated to the record being written - there

are no issues and the relative record number is being properly assigned.

Any ideas?

Have a good day

Blake Moorcroft
Developer - Corporate
Russell A. Farrow Limited
1980 Ambassador Drive, PO Box 333, Windsor, Ontario N9C 3R4
Bus: 519-966-3003 ext. 566, Fax: 519-966-9870
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