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From: Simon Coulter
XSLT does seem slow. I've not bothered determining why.

The browser is doing a lot more work to process XML and XSTL documents than to just process an HTML document. And there's some extra latency of requesting and downloading two documents.

Consider that the browser is parsing an XML document and generating a DOM tree. Then firing off a request for the XSTL document. Then receiving it. Then parsing it into a DOM tree. Then performing the transformations of XML + XSTL into HTML. And that process involves conditional expressions and looping logic in addition to reading the DOM trees of both documents.

Then the browser finally processes the intermediate HTML.

From: David Foxwell
Am I wrong to say that the RPG program should do as
much of the processing as possible?

I think a better question would be whether an RPG programmer should be more involved in user interface design and implementation. I tend to think so. But we sometimes need to get out of our comfort zones and learn UI technologies, which could include XML and XSTL, along with others.

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