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Hmm How do you compile your java programs Scott, with QSH?

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Pete Helgren <Pete@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Are you using any other jars that have Java 5 dependencies? I wouldn't
think you'd be able to compile if your JVM is set to 1.4 and your target
JVM is 1.4 and you have a Java 5 dependency, but I have had some pretty
frustrating situations develop when I have multiple JVM's installed on
my PC and I *think* I am compiling back to 1.4 just to find some subtle
JVM setting that is set to 1.5.

I develop most of my Java stuff in MyEclipse so I can't give you direct
pointers on how to check your development environment for any Java 5
stuff. If you have Java 5 installed on your i, it might be easier just
to set your environment *there* for Java 5 rather than set your PC
development environment for 1.4


Nick Arndt wrote:
Our system is set to 1.4.2, I also to be sure issued the
QIBM_RPG_JAVA_PROPERTIES) VALUE('-Djava.version=1.4;') to my program.
java project has a compile version of 1.4

The auto generate java prototypes is very cool in RDi, have to use that
now on.

Any idea why i would still be getting this class version error when as
as I can tell everything is running on the same version.

Thanks for your help.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Scott Klement <

hi Nick,

Nick Arndt wrote:

I now can find my class, but it gives me a

This means that the version of Java the class was compiled for isn't
compatible with the version of the JVM you're trying to run it on. For
example, if you compiled it for version 1.4, it may not run on a 1.1.8
JVM since the 1.4 version might be using functionality that was not
available in 1.1.8.

I'd start by determining which versions of Java are installed on your
machine. GO LICPGM option 10 should tell you that (you may have to
scroll down... look for the 57xxJV1 entries)

If you have more than one installed, you may need to control which one
gets started. Please be aware that the version reported in QShell when
running "java -version" is not necessarily the same one that RPG decides
to use. I'm not sure why that's the case, but they're not always the

You can control which version of the JVM gets run using the
QIBM_RPG_JAVA_PROPERTIES environment variable. Something like this
might work:


In this case, I'm instructing RPG to load version 1.4 of the JVM. Note
that you have to specify -Djava.version=1.5 (not 5.0) in order to get
Java 5.0 to load. Sun used the number 1.5 internally, but marketed the
product under the moniker "5.0"... which is a little confusing... but,
rest assured that -Djava.version=1.5 will give you version 5.0. (I
haven't tried it, but I believe the same is true for 6.0, you have to
specify version=1.6)

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