( Jerry and Charles: How smart is the Linoma tool? Is it smart enough
to eliminate some indicators? When it converts a bunch of arithmetic
operation to EVAL, does it recognize and eliminate otherwise-unused
intermediate variables? )
Very, yes, yes, and yes. <grin>
I don't have the tool at my present job, but at a prior job I posted a message
http://archive.midrange.com/rpg400-l/200609/msg00359.html showing the then current options available;
I've copied and pasted from that message below
Couple of things to keep in mind, when doing the more advanced conversions, you have to say *YES to
"Examine Field Attributes" that option allows the tool to be smart _and_ safe.
Last I heard, you could download a trial copy and use it for 10 conversions to see what you thought.
I highly recommend it.
RPG Wizard by Linoma (RPGWIZ)
Type choices, press Enter.
From file . . . . . . . . . . . QRPGLESRC Name, QRPGSRC,
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL
From member . . . . . . . . . . Name, generic*, *ALL
From type . . . . . . . . . . . *RPG4 RPG, RPT, RPG38,
To file . . . . . . . . . . . . QRPGLESRC Name, QRPGLESRC,
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *FROMLIB Name, *FROMLIB, *LIBL
To member . . . . . . . . . . . *FROMMBR Name, *FROMMBR
Replace existing To member(s) . *YES *NO, *YES
Target OS/400 release . . . . . *CURRENT *CURRENT, VxRx
Format of calculation specs . . *FREE *FREE, *FIXED
Examine field attributes . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Expand copy members . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Redefine data structures . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Redefine *LIKE DEFN fields . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Redefine calc. defined fields . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert left hand indicators . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert opcodes to BIFs . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert key lists (KLIST) . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Insert file I/O BIFs . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert ADDs/SUBs to EVALs . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert Z-ADDs/Z-SUBs to EVALs *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert MULTs to EVALs . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert DIVs to EVALs . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert MOVE(L)s having *BLANK *EVAL *NO, *EVAL, *CLEAR
Convert MOVE(L)s having *ZERO . *EVAL *NO, *EVAL, *CLEAR
Convert MOVEs having data . . . *EVAL *NO, *EVAL
Convert MOVELs having data . . . *EVAL *NO, *EVAL
Convert MOVEA operations . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert CASxx operations . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert CAT operations . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert DOs to FORs . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert LOOKUP operations . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert SCAN operations . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Convert *ENTRY PLIST . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert Subroutines to Procs . . *NO *NO, *YES
Convert CALLs and CALLBs . . . . *YES *NO, *YES, *YES2
Convert GOTO operations . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Compress expressions . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Highlight comments . . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Fixed-form comment designator . *SLASHES *LEAVE, *ASTERISK, *SLASHES
Comment specification types . . *REMOVE *LEAVE, *REMOVE
Comment designator on blanks . . *REMOVE *LEAVE, *REMOVE
Case for specification types . . *LOWER *LEAVE, *LOWER, *UPPER
Case for unchanged logic . . . . *MIXED2 *LEAVE, *LOWER, *UPPER...
Case for changed and new logic *MIXED2 *LOWER, *UPPER, *MIXED...
Case for in-line comments . . . *LOWER *LEAVE, *LOWER, *UPPER
Case for right-hand comments . . *LOWER *LEAVE, *LOWER, *UPPER
Free-form indent nested logic . *INDENT2 *LEAVE, *INDENT0, *INDENT1...
Document nested logic . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Source date on converted lines *KEEP *KEEP, *TODAY, *ZEROS
Charles Wilt
Software Engineer
CINTAS Corporation - IT 92B
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