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That is the point that I tried to make. Java class provides some neat features that developer can use to develop code. However, it also has a lot of limitation.

BTW, I doubt it is that easy to create a generic and reuseable CopyFrom class to do this. Remember that the copy-from-class is likely to also contain other class variables. So, simply calling copy-from-class's get method might do no good.
As far as create a copy from construtor, that isn't that programmer friendly, is it? That means everytime I need to make a copy of a class, I've to add a copy from Constructor if it does not already have one. What if the class I try to make copy from belongs to thrid party vendor?

And also, should I code the CopyFrom class or contructor to throw an exception if it encounter a problem making a copy?
if so, my code that need to do a copy would probably look like something below:
try {
MyClass saveIt = new MyClass(originalClass);
catch (CopyError e) {
//will I better call my generic logging method to log the error
logIt((Exception) e);
// I also better try to send to email to notify me that some go wrong
// Wait a mintues, our reusable send email class also throw exception
try {
// instead of hard code my email address,
//I probably should use a property file to do that
//Instead of hard code the message, I probably should use a
// resource bundle file to get the message I want
.. Resource....
// now send the message
.. exit program
catch (Exception e) {
//uumm not sure what I should do, just log it I guess

wait, what was I suppose to do in this class to meeting the project requirement now?

Java is a great language, but to blindly say that RPG is dead and java can easily replaces all those old RPG codes is not a easy pill for RPG folks to take.


From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Walden H. Leverich
Sent: Thu 6/19/2008 11:39 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: RE: Is RPG 'DEAD"

In RPG, you do saveDS = originalDS. In java, you can either ...

Yes, because java doesn't support operator overloads. If it did you
could do:

MyClass saveObject = originalObject;

And the addition of decimals would also be trivial as the + operator
would be overloaded to work as expected.

You could define a method on the class called something like CopyFrom()
or create a copy constructor that created one object from another.


Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x3051
http://www.TechSoftInc.com <http://www.techsoftinc.com/>

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(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)
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